Saturday, November 13, 2010

I think it's about time...

Hey there everyone! For those of you who have seen me somewhere before, I am alive!!! (well, barely...) But I am scanning in some of my summer animation stuff and my little mini portfolio that I am taking today to Capilano U to show! :)
So, let's do the time warp again and start with the summer animation stuff!:

So first off, we have a room perspective:
Hahaha, Sorry it's a bit tilted, that's the way I put it in the scanner and I was too lazy to fix it.
Then, here is my character design package I did:
And it's from the summer by the way, so I think I have improved from then.
I also showed this during the Open House for Capilano, and they said it was good, so that's alright with me :)
But here are some more things I took to Open House:
Tone study, this was nearly the first thing we did in our Intro to Drawing class.

Home tone study
Cloth Study. This one I had a bit of a time with but oh well.
The cloth study I did at home. This I think went better than the first time for sure :P
Negative Space Study. The last "Fine Art Piece" that was not a life drawing that I asked the portfolio people to see. I really have a hard time with negative space...
But they did tell me that I shouldn't really put that stuff in, only if it's something extra and in that case, only one of them.
But on to the life drawings that I did! :D
Urgh. This one isn't that great, but it was better than some of the others I've done.
Better since it shows structure, but I needed to add in the thing she was leaning on and add hands. Also, it looks a bit stiff.
Even better now :) I actually like this one and I'd probably use it if I just added hands and finished it up a bit.
This one was the favourite of the reviewers. And I'm glad since I quite like this one too. And it also shows weight.
There is also a drawing from life that I did as well. They thought it was good and I just need to do some more :) Here it is:

Those are the gestures that I showed them, and I also had long poses too (sadly more long poses than I really need) but here they are:
This one was probably 15 minutes. Not the best really :(
This one was 20 minutes. It went better, but it still isn't the best.
This one was I think an hour? I can't remember, but I like the face :) But I needed to work on the rest of the body.
This one was I think, again, an hour. This turned out better than the other one, even when this one was done before the other one XD
This one was 2 1/2 hours. I actually did this for Visual Culture class, not for Drawing, but I actually like it. It was hard doing the space in behind though...
And now for the other stuff such as character designs and self-portraits! Yay!
Her hair is so much fun to draw, and she's also easy to draw, so I think I'll use her.
I just really like his head. Seriously, I just need to draw a body for him.
But he's also fun to draw.
Now, they suggested not adding these kinds of portraits, but this is the portrait that I did of my little sister (who kept moving as I was drawing her) but I like the way I did the hair and shadows.
This is my self portrait. I think I did a pretty good job except I noticed a couple of things that were off afterwards :( Oh well.
And finally, my painting self-portrait. It looks better irl, but I think I did a good job on the dramatic light :)

Anyways, I all of these to the open house. It was fun, and I'm glad I got feedback on what I have so far. Hopefully I can keep working at it for the next open house.
That's all for now *disappears into the shadowy corner*

Monday, June 28, 2010

Rick Mercer Mural! Woo!

Finally done, here it is!
It took forever to finish, but here it is!
I'm actually quite glad about the way it turned out. But I still needed to add a bit of shading to a couple of things now that I realize it. Oh well.
This was made from reference, painting was done on a board, and with house paint
(you know, that paint that really is hard to paint with and is a bitch to work with afterwards... you all know the one)
Anyways, I just came on here to say that and I will also be doing the Animation Fundamentals program @ Capilano University this summer! :D
Anywho, that is all for now!

*And Happy Birthday Sam!*

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finished my Last Highschool Art Project!

So I finished my last highschool art projet yesterday (after I don't know how many weeks) :)
Basically, it is a pretty big board (a little bit smaller than a small car's windshield) and on this board, in black and white house paint, we had to paint our choice of a subject. My subject was Rick Mercer, the man who was on 22 minutes and who has his own show, The Rick Mercer Report. I did him because he is quite funny and his show has a lot to do with Canadian politics, which I enjoy learning about. I'll post it up later on my blog so everyone can see. I'll post it on my DA too :3
Anyways, that is basically all except for the fact that I have 2 provincial exams left before I am finally out of highschool.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wow, this first post is kinda depressing...

Well this being my first post, I suppose I should tell a little about myself.
I shall not give my real name out, but I do have a deviantart account which I will tell of later.
I did apply to Capilano University, however I was not accepted, so I will be taking the year off to get better in hopes of getting in next year.
That`s kinda all I have to say for the moment... :\